Monday, December 22, 2008


This is a compilation of all the delicious vegan recipes I've come across as I make my transition to a cruelty-free lifestyle. They are recipes that even meat lovers will enjoy!

Even if you do not want to give up meat altogether, here are just a few benefits of lowering your animal product intake:

1. 75% of poultry inspectors say they wouldn't eat chicken.

2. American men who eat meat have a 50% chance of having a heart attack. Vegan men have a 4% chance of having a heart attack.

3. Women who eat meat daily are 4 times more likely to develop breast cancer than women who eat meat once a week.

4. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in American. Cholesterol is the leading cause of heart disease. There is no cholesterol in fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, or seeds.

5. Right now, a child dies of malnutrition every 2.3 seconds. The land, water and energy used to grow feed for cattle could be used to feed 100,000,000 people if Americans cut their meat consumption by 10%.

My personal reasons for becoming vegan are the three most common: eating meat is detrimental to the environment, it promotes cruel treatment of living creature, and it is very unhealthy.

I have been vegan for several months now, and I feel healthier, I've lost weight, my skin has cleared up significantly (but that started when I became a vegetarian), and I have had so much more stamina that I have been able to give up caffeine altogether! My diet has also done good for my self-esteem in that I have dramatically lowered my carbon footprint, I am working to eliminate my contributions to animal cruelty, and I am treating my body much better than the average American does.

[I recently lost my camera so I won't be able to provide photos for my first few recipes.]

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